A local television station did a description the other day on a simulated burglary with two perpetrators-both reporters- and a cameraman who was discreetly out of sight. The purpose was to see if anything happened during their escapade specifically because of or due to the Neighborhood Watch Program.
They started the story explaining that burglars pick their target based on how the house looks from the outside. Not all homes are created equal. Some are much best targets than others.
"wireless Home Security Camera System"

The number of light on the home, the number of shrubbery and trees, any clear signs of strangeness like warning signs and security bars on windows, and consistently open doors and windows and more all send signals to the would be burglar about the degree of strangeness any particular home presents. The easier the better.
The home they picked for the demonstration was one of their co-workers. They drove up parked one car across the road and a truck in the driveway and then proceeded to walk around the house a few times (which a burglar would never do). They then "broke into" the back door.
After three trips of hauling "stolen goods" to the truck parked in the driveway a neighbor started watching. As the "thieves" were beginning to leave the neighbor approached and asked what was going on-(not a good idea). She was not satisfied and threatened to call the police.
The reporter had made arrangements with a detective form the Crime stoppage department of the local police department to be nearby. He beyond doubt called the police before she did.
The detective showed up right on cue and all ended happily. The moral of the story is that the Neighborhood Watch agenda works.
The Neighborhood Watch agenda is easy to implement. All the details are at http://www.usaonwatch.org support is only a click or phone call away. Why not start one in your neighborhood? It's Free and it works!
Home safety - The Value of Neighborhood Watch