Wireless home networks are becoming increasingly popular these days. The ease of installation and practicality of the situation to be surfing the net makes every home wireless networks at home is very attractive to Internet users. Setting up a wireless home network is fairly easy, but you need some basic things about Wireless networks first start-up. Here all you can learn more about wireless networkingProtocols that will help a better understanding of wireless networks.
To set up a wireless home network, you need to order broadband Internet connection using a cable modem or DSL. The town is set up at home in the rule that the desk top computer connected directly to the modem. In this tutorial assumes that a laptop that connects wirelessly to the PC that is connected to the Internet. You need to do some hardwarepossible. First, you must have a wireless router. You must also add a USB wireless adapter on your desktop PC and a PC Card-based network adapter for the laptop. For obvious reasons, it is recommended that the seller for any additional hardware to buy. The documentation that comes with hardware for installation.
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If you have already installed all the necessary hardware, you can begin the set-up. First, you mustdisconnect or turn off your DSL modem, then connect the wireless router to the modem. You can come in the help documentation for your hardware. If you set your computer connects wirelessly to the router. The next step is to configure your wireless router. With Internet Explorer you can go to the router's configuration.
Most default settings are left alone safe enough, but there are some things you needto configure. You must have a unique name or SSID wireless network, this is to choose the name of the network. Make sure no one nearby which is close to you is, with the same name. The next step, if the router is required to provide a single pass phrase, using it to generate some keys. Then the last step before you begin configuring the router is made by the administrator password. Choose a password that is not easy to guess and not too short for safety reasons.Be sure to save any settings you have configured. The actual procedure to configure these settings, are depending on the type of router.
The next step is to configure network card in your laptop. It 'easy to follow instructions on the screen, window XP for this. Right-click the wireless network icon in the taskbar and select "View Available Wireless Networks" from the drop-down menu that appears. The wireless network connection windowshow, and you will find the name of your wireless network has chosen to see listed. Click Refresh network list in the upper left if you do not see your network. You will be prompted to enter a key, this is the key that you wrote in both the Network key and Confirm network key. Click Connect. You will see progress as it connects to the network connection. If you have already connected, you can close the Wireless Network Connection. They were able toThey set up the wireless connection.
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